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there's things on my mind i don't always tell you about
they're mostly things that come and go with the day, like
my boyfriend is so hot
if you were here i'd bite you
today, my heart is so full of the little sounds you make when you're asleep
i've never loved anyone before i've loved you
i heard you hang up this morning. it scared me awake
you bring me peace, that's why i'd hate to lose you
i feel like you're ignoring me
i hate feeling like you don't need me
i hope that whatever you're doing makes you happy
i hate feeling empty, withdrawn
i'm such a red flag when it comes to communicating my feelings
sometimes i wish you could read my mind, but you can't
you just made the most adorable noise in your sleep
it sounded like you were calling out to me
i miss hearing you laugh (bc of me)
i wish i didn't miss the things you said. i feel ashamed
i hope you still like me despite my flaws
although the staple you left pinned into your sleeve pricks me, i still keep it in your hoodie because you said not to remove it.
i'm scared that your hoodie will stop smelling like you, so i wear it scarcely, even though it makes me feel warm.