This house we’ve built is amazing
is it not?
Sure it took some hits,
windows have been broken and
you had to deal with the cold walls
punched in due to fights and me
leaving outright. But coming back
I see you've kept it upright.
You didn’t burn it down
you didn’t destroy it,
more you kept it as is
waiting inside for me to return.
Even when you thought
I wouldn’t, you still stayed.
And when I did come I had changed.
I installed new windows to fill it
with warmth and fixed the holes so
the past didn’t stare at us.
This house was built to last
because I built it with you.
And I won’t leave because
I made it with you. One of a kind.
The only house I’d ever want to be in.
The only house I’d ever want to sleep in.
Because with you this house is forever
my home. Your heart is forever my home.