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page warning: flashing gifs, derealization
there are some hidden things here that you can find if you hover over certain parts of the page... the areas are very specific, so good luck.
i'm trying to recover this rei shrine page i posted on one of my old websites. i'm also trying to re-format it. i'm somewhat satisfied with it, i just need to make it look more aesthetic. there isn't anything yet, but you can hover on all the boxes to see how it works.
Angel Attack

お帰りなさい. Welcome Home.

Please don't look at me. Or do. Tell me what you see.

I don't know who I am. I don't know what I am. Could you please tell me?

for someone who isn't real (and will never be)
i brace my bated breath for her actions and words as they all speak to a deeper mindset than i dare to cry about.

as absent from my own mind as she is absent from her school seat, i gasp as i find her red eyes in the crowd, swirling like the blood from her wounds, but they don't reflect any regret strangely.

her eyes look past the screen, the world itself, in order to determine her place in society, whether she's spurring her Eva forward, or if she pushes her past backwards.

Heavy are the mountains, but that changes over time.
Blue sky.
What your eyes can't see.
What your eyes can see.
There is only one.
Commander Ikari?
So many alike.
So many useless.
Red, red sky.
Red is the color.
Red is the color I hate.
Water flowing.
The smell of blood.
A woman who never bleeds.
From the red earth comes man, from the soil.
Born of man and woman is Man.
Town... A human creation.
Eva... A human creation as well.
What is a human? A creation of God?
Is it a human creation?
The things I possess are my life and soul.
I am a vessel for my heart.
Entry Plug, the throne for a soul.
Who is this? This is me.
Who am I? What am I? What am I? What am I? What am I?
I am myself.
This, that which is, is myself. That which is formed is me.
This is the me that can be seen, yet feels as if this is not myself.
A strange feeling.
I feel as if my body is melting.
I can no longer see myself. My shape is fading.
I feel the presence of someone who is not me.
Who is there, beyond me here?
I know this person.
She is Captain Katsuragi.
Doctor Akagi...
The pilot of Unit 02.
Commander Ikari?
Who are you? Who are you? Who are you?
So, how does it feel to be piloting Unit 01 for the first time?
It smells like Ikari.
Do you love me?
"In another life, I would have really liked just doing laundry and taxes farmwork with you."

i wouldn't mind seeing you wear a little straw hat, held together by a worn cloth hood to protect from the sun.

i would help you up after you've slipped on the soft mud of a rice paddy.

i would like to see you smile softly more often.

i wish you could've had more than what you were made for.

i would make sure to guide you gently because to me you're too fragile.

i would like to hold you, if you'd let me.

I don't think I've ever been held before. What does it feel like?

i would like to show you the depth of human emotion, so you can feel it too.

I don't understand what you mean by that. What does it feel like?

i would like to show you that you can exist as the way you are.

i would like for you to see that there isn't anything wrong with your existence.

I only exist for one person. I don't exist outside of this body.

So you do see me...
It's odd to think about. People can see me just as I can see them.
I see beyond people, even though they only see me.
I wonder if it scares them, to know I see more than what they see.
I'm not sure what I am, but I am not them.
I don't think they understand that, when they see me.
Though, they all come to see me.
I wish I could see myself as you see me.

Can you tell me what it feels like?
I don't think I've seen you before. But you somehow feel familiar.
I don't think we've met, but I recognize you.
You remind me of her. You remind me of him.
But you aren't her, and you aren't him.
I'm curious what it feels like to be you, since you are familiar to me.

I don't think I want to know you, because I do know you.
You remind me of me. I remind you of him and her.
I think I'm okay with knowing this. But you don't know it yet.
You're drawn to me. I know why. I'm drawn to you.
It feels like gravity, pulling and pushing.
I can tell you feel higher when you're around me.
Do you know what it means to fall for something that can't feel?