theme by Repth - 12
jinx splash credit

i'm constantly adding more...

utd: up-to-date

last updated: 05/31/24

feeling: The current mood of multo at


- thinking of ocs/dungeon meshi

listening to:

- my bf sleep


- kaiju no. 8 (4/9)
- dungeon meshi (utd)
- frieren (finished)
- a sign of affection (finished)
- 3 body problem (finished)
- quiet on set (finished)


- frieren (maybe)
- dune (1st chapter)
- the thief (taking a break)
- dungeon meshi (finished !)


- pokemon legends: arceus
- pokefarm (hiatus)
- league of legends (taking a break)
What Neon Genesis Evangelion Character Are You?
What Dere Type Are You?
What Eevee Evolution Are You?
What Anime Hair Color Best Suits Your Personality?
Which Of The Mane Six Are You?
I am a Lapras!


you are cornflowerblue

read more

Your dominant hues are cyan and blue. You like people and enjoy making friends. You're conservative and like to make sure things make sense before you step into them, especially in relationships. You are curious but respected for your opinions by people who you sometimes wouldn't even suspect.

Your saturation level is medium - You're not the most decisive go-getter, but you can get a job done when it's required of you. You probably don't think the world can change for you and don't want to spend too much effort trying to force it.

Your outlook on life is bright. You see good things in situations where others may not be able to, and it frustrates you to see them get down on everything.
archived quiz here
(og site down)

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social media: th | @multo | tumblr | email

about me

hey. i'm multo, aka ghost (multo translates to "ghost" in tagalog).
i'm a college student, journalism major and creative writing minor. i love writing lol

i write short fiction, news stories and poetry.
i also draw sometimes but i feel like i'm better at writing.

when i'm not in class, i talk to my partner, read some books i haven't touched in a while, scroll through social media, raise gooseflesh when i listen to music and daydream of my characters.

i have a story to tell that i've been working on for the past few years, but it's nowhere close to being finished.
maybe one day i'll release my beast into the world. but, for now, i'll serve up snippets in short stories and flash fiction (if i ever post them here).

one quirk i've developed is the uncanny habit to write in lowercase
thanks to a certain skeleton. my english and writing teachers must hate me.

i'll admit, i'm a terrible procrastinator and cannot manage my time well, but i try my best.

i run on spurts of motivation and (rare) cups of coffee, so site updates may be few. still, by all means, clock in as often or as little as you'd like.

it's all coded from scratch btw (with some help from W3Schools for some parts),
if that gives you any admiration for me.

about the website

i think i'll use this website as a dumping ground for any creative endeavors i wanna pursue. i'll also use the website to write my thoughts on media and as a general archive for my life (whenever i feel like updating it).

here is my first website. i made it when i was in high school in 2019.

although i've made other websites (as portfolios) for classes, i liked neocities because using it made me want to learn html and css. i saw other ppl flexing their creative muscles and wanted to do the same.

i didn't grow up being on the internet, like how everyone else seemingly has on neocities. i don’t have much experience with the old web, unfortunately.

i've had social media for years, but now i feel as if it doesn't serve me in the way i want to be seen (nor has it been beneficial for my mental health or relationships). and so, i made websites because i wanted a more personalized space than a social media bio, and to get away from the constant buzz.

it's sad that it's hard for me to access classes that teach coding in html/css/js whatever without having to go outside my concentration. my current web design teacher said coding is time-consuming, and there's too much styles of coding to learn, hence why we're only doing an intro. sure, that's true, but i feel like i've lost a skill i could've learned at a younger age because of how people think about coding webpages, where people want to embrace simplicity and modern web design because it's easier than learning. i don't want to do that... hence why i (and you) are here.